Horse’s Mouth
April 4, 2014
April 4rd, Connecticut A bit more sun, please
Lastie Duhon wants MTH in Houston, TX. We did the Astrodome back in the day with Mountain and Traffic. Mountain were amazing.
Eddie Handibode: Long Island? I see we are doing the Bell House in Brooklyn in September just before we go to Europe.
Jeffrey: It was one mother of a winter.
Jack Benson: ‘Any chance of somewhere near Philly? Grandson (16) a huge fan.’ We may be in the neighborhood November/December; Frank is working on it now.
Michael Pons: ‘Toronto’. We need to find a less sweaty venue. I’m getting up there.
Stevek: ‘New tour – great – Christmas Day – hope to see you at a few venues.’ Your welcome.
Tony Jay: ‘Why are there no gigs in the West Country?’ I don’t choose where to go; promoters offer the dates, then we pick the ones that are not financially suicidal and route accordingly.
Bob Brophy: Noted.
Kayla: ‘Where id you go to University?’ I didn’t go to university – I was a working lad from the age of 16.
Dave Britz: ‘The MTH cd?’ You should have it by now.
Peejay: ‘What’s next – gigs or recording?’ Gigs.
Chuck: ‘Why is ‘Shades of Ian Hunter’ not on cd?’ No idea.
Stephen Lambert: Pete Watts remembers me smashing the ‘H’ guitar at some less than fulfilling gig and I sold the ‘Iron Cross’ to a guy on the south cost of England (mainly because it looked good, but sounded crap). The one I use now is a replica of the ‘Iron Cross’ which Joe Elliott had made for me for my 70th birthday. It plays beautifully. The sound is a little heavier than a Junior. Great guitar.
McKeen: ‘Come to New England!’ We’re working on it.
Jim Smith likes ‘I Wish I Was Your Mother’ a lot. ‘Play it when you’re in Cleveland next.’
Val Philips: Yeah – great shame – how are you chaps doing? Still in Leicester?
Stephen wants a Detroit gig – so do we.
Thom S: ‘Is a signed copy of ‘ YNAWAS’ worth anything now?’ Dunno.
Richie Cornacchi: ‘At the ripe old age of 58 I have found forgiveness and unconditional love works better than anger and fear. Do you have any particular philosophy or follow any specific path to bring you comfort and peace?’ No – I still get angry. ‘As a songwriter, I get rid of my negative thoughts and energy by expressing them lyrically and musically. Do you find the same thing?’ Yes.
Johnny Boy: ‘Someone suggested Hampton Court Palace – it’s made for you and the Ranters.’ It’s up to the promoters.
Bertie McSpadde: ‘The first recording you ever appeared on?’ That would be with Freddie ‘Fingers’ Lee. Played bass. ‘When did you decide to be a vocalist?’ I wasn’t a vocalist and then I auditioned for MTH and became one.
‘What was your first vocal recording?’ Not sure. Might have been, ‘To Make a Man Cry’ with Miller Anderson in a band called ‘Scenery’. I did a few demos around ’68 for Francis, Day and Hunter. Roger Glover and I worked for them as staff writers.
Rick Jones wants MTH in Hawaii! Enjoyed Birmingham.
Ian Mack: ‘What are your thoughts on the ‘Afterlife’?’ I think whomever is in charge would think it presumptuous of us to settle conclusively – what that is.
John Dalton: ‘The Secret Sessions’ came about because Corky had a tenuous deal whereby they wanted to get him to involve as many of his friends as he could so they could sell a few extra records. Corky’s a very likeable character – so he made it happen. ‘The album has flown under the radar of decades – why?’ Who knows – coulda been the label – it’s a long time ago.
Helen Dawson: Don’t recall the chap, I’m afraid; condolences to family and friends. Boy, I get a lot of these.
John Caswell: ‘Hope the wife is doing well with the new knee.’ Well, she’s not doing cartwheels, but she’s out and about. John wants ‘Venus in the Bathtub’ in Boston this year. I get complaints about the security at the Paradise.
Yucca Flats wants a Boston show too. What stamps? The ones on my guitar cases? If so – thank you!!
Phil Huband: By not being a great musician, I mean I’m not proficient enough to play lead (a la Bosch) or keyboards (a la AB or DD). Boy, I’d love to play like Leon Russell – or Roy Buchanon – or either Mick for that matter, but it is not to be. I’m told I’m a killer rhythm player which I take as compensation.
Steve Bishop is disappointed we’re not doing Birmingham. I thought Leamington Spa was pretty close. We LOVE doing Birmingham Town Hall – but the overheads are pretty steep.
Max: ‘When you wrote the lyrics for Hanoi Rocks, did you work with the band directly or use the songs and lyrics sent back and forth? Did you write the line ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ in Underwater World’?’ Bob Ezrin rang me up and asked me to go down to the studio they were working in. I remember Jack Bruce was there. The band just asked me to do some lyrics and I was given demos of the music. I went home and had the lyrics done the following day and sent them back. I think they used them all. I always liked Michael – a true believer.
Mark Raines: Noted.
Oor Wullie: I don’t know why, but I keep on seeing you sitting on a bucket.
Russ Isaac: I’ve resisted the ‘Meet and Greets’ for years. If you bump into me – I’ll sign and it won’t cost yer!
Phil Hundley: I’m embarrassed to say, I’ve never listened to Kevin Coyne (although he has a great reputation).
Gary Smith: Enjoyed Mott in Glasgow – a lot.
Joe Desglose has a band called the Breakdowns and a new album out called ‘Rock ‘n’ Roller Skates’ which is doing well in Spain (nice place to tour – only not in the summer). ‘In a recent review we hit the hold grail – a MTH reference! ‘Highlight of his career.’ Good show – regards to the chaps.
Ed: Already done Craig Ferguson. Lovely chap – it’s on U-tube. To be honest, I hate doing TV, but Craig and the crew on that particular show were excellent. I know it gets you exposure, but I’m not too particular about that; I like to enjoy what I do.
Trevor: ‘Have you done Glastonbury – you did the IOW.’ No, never done Glastonbury.
Mike Floate: Going to Brighton!
Nick Malcolm: Well, the other side of the ‘political structure deeply resent people with brains – pick ’em.
Al Johnson: ‘Hi Ian – I recently saw a DVD of Gary Holton and Casino Steele (1982) where they finished the gig with ‘Goodnight Irene’. Did you know about this?’ I can honestly say no. I know Casino Steele, but I never met Gary Holton. I mean, how many songs have ‘goodnight’ in them. I just did it one night and the audience joined in – so we did it again and so forth.
Bionictom: ‘Caught you and the Rants I Philly – been a long ride since ’73 but my first gig of your to see. Couldn’t have been better – wife a dedicated nut. Loved MTH but have worn out ‘President’. No offence to your previous material – keep doing this and I’ll buy and help with the rent.
Marty G: ‘Hope you enjoyed some well deserved time off after an exhausting 2013 and the Mrs. Is recovering from the knee surgery (the equivalent of 20 tours in a row). There was talk of Roy Wood being used as a producer for Mott?’ That’s true, but Roy was having an awful time management wise at that time so it never materialized. ‘Was Leslie West ever considered as a producer or band member?’ No, not really – although we loved his playing. Still do. Leslie is no producer. ‘Were you a fan of Roy Wood and the Move?’ I saw the original ‘Move’ in a club in Birmingham in the ’60’s. I just remember it was up a lot of stairs. They were great. The track that kept me alive through one year was ‘See My Baby Jive’. Great production – great song – great everything. I liked Roy’s earlier stuff – ‘Blackberry Way’ ‘Fire Brigade’ – all singles.
Margaret: ‘I’m so upset that all the venues on your tour are standing room only. Will you be adding seated venues?’ I believe some of the venues are seated and some are standing. I think the London venue is both.
Bob Barnes: My recent solo material is published by us but administered by BMG. Bit strange really; what’s a publisher got to do with a songwriting award? Aren’t the songs as good without a publisher?
Mike Walsh: ‘Did Pete ever comment on the ‘Ballad of Mott’ DVD?’ Pete comments on everything in the world non-stop – all the time so he probably did, but I can’t remember. I’m sure he loved it; he was in it!!!
Gus Bernadico: ‘Even though there were changes in the band between ‘Mott’ and ‘The Hoople’ – how did you keep the sound in such a similar groove?’ Same rhythm section – and we’d learned a lot from Bill Price (our GREAT engineer). I don’t agree the sound is that similar. ‘Hoople’ was busier and more involved. I still think of ‘Mott’ as the quintessential MTH album.
John Senker: ‘Why not a train song?’ Why not indeed! Fascinating period in the history of both the UK and USA. Your never know.
Dave Grant is looking forward to Aberdeen. ‘Can I take pictures?’ Only during the first two songs (before I dissolves before your eyes).
Dave Rich: ‘Great you’re returning to Brighton. Any new music on the way?’ I’m in the foothills.
Ian McClenaghan: ‘How did you survive the low points?’ Everyone is different. Everybody reacts in different ways. I work well with reverse psychology – just when I’m supposed to be over – that’s a motive.
Barry Whaites: ‘Did Ralpher ever got over his fear of flying or does he still suffer from it?’ Mick’s pretty philosophical about it now. If he’s got to fly – then he flies. He doesn’t like it, but there it is.
Scruffysteve: ‘Holmfirth’ is a great Rock ‘n’ Roll gig at the moment – that’s why we play it.
Kevin (Newcastle): ‘Gateshead – designed for music. You’ll enjoy it.’
Seth Purvin: ‘(i) Ever played a wedding?’ I think Mott did. I remember a tent and that guy from ‘Maigrait’ (the big detective series in the UK) sat in on drums. (ii)’Feels ok as long as people don’t get upset when I don’t know them immediately on the night.
Gordon Jaap: Don’t do beaches – they’re alien.
Daryl M: Did your guitar really get lost (All the Way From Memphis)? No, Mick’s guitar got nicked.
Michael Ferry: Thanks.
Rick Graves: I started buying old upright pianos in the 60’s (30 bob) and could not stop playing them. Started writing around ’67. I’d come back from work and annoy the neighbors. Who knew! Wrote ‘Memphis’ and ‘Roll Away the Stone’ on sharps and flats (the whites ran out).
Kenneth Russell: ‘Was City Hall, Newcastle one of the best gigs on the MTH tour?’ It was by far the best gig for me. Some of those venues didn’t suit us. City Hall was how we were.
Bryan: I think the work with Ronno stands out because he was such a great arranger and player. He really knew how to take a song and improve it.
Hope Campbell: Be more observant!!
Willie Ahnberg: This all sounds great man. Wish I was there with all those great people. I know you can’t let me down. The publishing is Jesse John Music (ASCAP) – and we have a collection agreement with BMG.
Huck Demilo: That’s what I’m for.
Jeff: I told you I wuz good.
Larry Woodside: Dusty Street (MY kinda DJ!!!) talking about ‘Cleveland Rocks’ played on the bag pipes in Cleveland on St. Patrick’s Day.
Tom McGarry: Well, I was dubious about Aberdeen too – but they’ve insisted – so here goes! Third time lucky!
David (D.P.) Bond: ‘My bride is running for the legislature in Idaho this year and ‘When I’m President’ is our campaign tune. Hopefully pigs will fly.’ All the best – let us know the outcome!!
Bruce Shedden: ‘Thanks for keeping the Rock ‘n’ Roll flame alive. It doesn’t burn like it used to.’ Progress.
Ian Mack: ‘What was the first song you loved?’ It was a toss up between ‘The Blue Tango’ and ‘Little Jimmy Brown’ (I’d have been 10 or so). ‘The greatest musical performance you ever saw?’ Ike and Tina Turner review – mind blowing (and not that loud). It had everything.
Danny G: Don’t you think you might be over doing the emails a tad?
Jason: Actually, I kind of liked ‘Captain Void’. None too keen on the overall album though.
Bart: ‘When are you coming back to Cleveland?’ Hopefully, late fall.
Dean: Nice email – thanks.
Kevin Quinn: Caxton Avenue, Bispham.
Lectric Eye: Goo on yuh!
David Taylor: Noted.
Brit Fan: The ‘Hunter’ you mention might be Steve.
Francis L: The moustache was for real; it must have been a phase.
Unsteady Eddie: When I worked – it was mostly semi skilled factory stuff. I found the harder I went at it the quicker the day went. It was boring and repetitive and when the siren went on Friday – I was the happiest chap in the world. The weekend starts!
Ta – da!
The Horse’s Mouth
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