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Horse’s Mouth

April 23, 2021

Horse's Mouth (Issue #220, April 2021)

April 7, 2021

Both fully jabbed, and I have to say, it was really well organized and painless. Thanks to all concerned.

Ian Fisher: Hey Ian – I don’t really get involved in compilations and I’m not up on all that other stuff – so – I’ve no idea.

Dru: ‘Was ‘Strings Attached’ one of the most artistic rewarding projects of your career?’ Yup. All those people you see were great off stage as well as on. Memorable for me and Andy York.

Matt Nojonen: ‘Cleveland’s favourite rock singer – Michael Stanley, passed.’ Michael was huge in Cleveland back in the day. I think I did an interview with him after he became a DJ. So sorry to hear about this; condolences to his friends and family.

Martin Milas: ‘Ralphs and Ronson are two of my favourite guitarists. How are their styles different, and how did this impact your writing and performing?’ They both played for the song – that was the most important thing from my perspective. They differed in that Ralphs was a great bluesy songwriter himself; whereas Ronson was an unbeatable arranger. It was a privilege working with both. With Ralphs – we ‘shared the load’ in MTH songwriting wise – and with Ronno – well – he took any song to another level. Both could solve involved musical ‘problems’.

Tom Caulfield: Thanks, Tom. All fine.

Craig Frank: ‘How about a book of your lyrics?’ It’s funny you should say that – It is being discussed.

Alan Sack: Cheers!

Wayne Deacon is fond of ‘Sons n’ Daughters’.

Mick Browne: ‘MTH first band I ever saw live, Fairfield Halls Croydon early ’72 and think I’ve seen you on every UK tour since. ‘Fingers crossed’ here’s to the next time.’ Nice one, Mick.

Craig Nevitt: I don’t get the question – ‘Golden Age’, ‘Foxy Foxy’, ‘Saturday Gigs’ were all done by Mott the Hoople.

Mike Flanagan: ‘When things get back to normal will you return to a residency at the City Winery or some such place?’ Dunno. James, Paul and Dennis played the new Winery and they said it was a lot better acoustically and stage wise. Have to see how it. Goes.

Rob Mend: Enjoying Part II of Campbell’s book!

Alan Beale: ‘Just read ‘Hunter by Proxy’. It was like spending a few hours in your company, and I thoroughly enjoyed your company! Do you have enough songs for the next album, and can we expect it this year?’ I have the songs, but we haven’t started in the studio yet. Andy York is coming over tomorrow.

Tom Mcgarry: ‘When the new material comes out will it be influenced by these strange times?’ Not unduly – but you know I like to stick my oar in upon occasion. Why relive it – unless there’s a little humor involved!

John Notham: ‘Where does ‘All American Alien Boy’ rank amongst your solo and Mott albums?’ I like it because it’s different. I needed to do something different at that time. Ronno wasn’t involved, but Jaco helped out a lot. Everybody was great on that album. David Sandborn made me tear up and that doesn’t happen that often (although Boschie did it on ‘Black Tears’.)

Richard L Martin: ‘Broadway production?’ Got a spare 15 million?

Keith Hollinshed: You’re asking for songs I don’t like!

Peter Johnson: ‘What’s the ‘guiding light’ that keeps you going?’ It’s just in me – it’s something I have to do. Trudi’s the ‘guiding light’ in the song – if you are referring to the track. Glad you enjoyed the book. Campbell Devine is getting great reviews for his writing – and he’s a surveyor by trade!

Claire: ‘Did Irene Wilde ever try to contact you after your song about her first came out?’ No. Somebody said she married and moved elsewhere. I’m told she liked the song.

Scott Aurisch: ‘If you had received commercial success with your earlier solo stuff, would you be writing at the same level as you are?’ Good question – no.

Paul Rooke: Any reason why ‘YUI Orta’ isn’t on Spotify?’ No idea. Corporate hissy fits? Money?

Paul Kennett thinks because he’s from Hereford – I will tell him the title of the new album. Well, I won’t!! P.S. Just talked to the legendary Stan Tippins – fit and well!

Dru: ‘Listening to ‘Hunky Dory’ – it’s f-ing stupid how talented Mick Ronson was.’ Amen!

John Pearce: ‘Ever met Terry Reid?’ Clem Burke from ‘Blondie’ took me to this club in L.A. one night and I stood and watched Terry Reid. I think he was using members of Neil Youngs band at the time. I was transfixed. No wonder Jimmy Page wanted him for Zep. Lovely to talk to as well.

Steve Horne: To put it briefly, ‘Foxy Foxy’ was my fault. I wanted Ronnie Spector to cover it and we were going for Phil Spector/Sonny Bono sound. The band weren’t impressed (and rightly so). Apologies!! It had nothing to do with ‘getting a hit’ – I just loved the Ronettes.

Dave Griffiths MBE: ‘Was the Freddie Tribute the biggest gig you ever did?’ Nah, the Atlanta Pop Festival in 1970 (for live) over 400,000. Yes, If you count TV – Roger said one and a half billion watched.

Dave: ‘Some local from Northampton reckons you owe his Grandma a week’s rent.’ I was in several lodgings in Northampton back it he day. I don’t recollect doing a ‘runner.’ Who knows? Had some great times.

Steve Fischer: ‘Do you think a live album of the 2019 Mott’74 Tour is a possibility? I’ll give this one to Trudi. (and I’ll pass it on to Mike!)

Bob Whitmore: ‘How’s Mick Ralphs these days?’ He’s OK. Last I heard he was in a better place and loved the chef!

Craig Smith: ‘Was Verden’s decision to leave Mott a surprise?’ No – he’d threatened to leave now and then, but Mick wouldn’t let him. He wasn’t happy with the songwriting situation. I think he’d have liked to sing more as well. Magnificent feel; great player.

Bill Brink: ‘Just Another Night’ was roughly built around a night spent in jail. Jail is always good for a lyric!

Stonefly: Re: early days contracts, copyrights etc. Island Records took all of my publishing and 75% of the writer’s share for 15 pounds a week. We didn’t know what publishing was and had no lawyers representing us – a joke. It did get me out of the factory – that was great. Bands who did well usually had a relative who was a lawyer or accountant and sorted them out. Island were record company, publishing company and agency – the ball was in their court.

John G Frawley: Re: ‘Daylight Comes’. Ronno sang the first two verses – I was busy talking to Bruce Springsteen and Meatloaf – so he just did it. Sounded fine, so that was it.

Greg Golden: Get better soon, Greg.

MO: ‘How much say did the band have on artwork?’ I can’t really remember. I didn’t care as long as it was good and most of the time it was. Probably Pete and Buff might have been involved – and of course the record company.

LaVerne Kreklau: ‘Did you ever see Jim Carroll perform?’ Nope.

Charles Archer: It was a manager.

Chris Fertnig: Mainly piano – 70/30.

Matt Parish: Brilliant! They’re showing the early ones over here. (2) Theories, theories, theories – we don’t know. A lot of people have made a lot of money ‘knowing’ – but we don’t!

Matt Nojonen: Another one – Pokey Lafarge – he likes him.

Paul G: ‘Requiem for the Dudes’? Never heard of it.

Kirk: That’s my influence! What do we eat these days – well Trudi’s an excellent cook. We like curries and salads, homemade soups. Jess was up for Easter and HE cooked – steak!

John Delciappo: You would have to contact Sony Music publishing – they control the song.

Mick McKenzie: ‘I bought the new book thinking it might be a rehash – which shows how wrong I can be.’ Cheers.

Michael Wolf: Never skated before or since. Just held onto the big man for dear life!

Wesley Beech: I think I sold mine to Earl Slick. They looked great!

Colin: I love playing Liverpool. We started out at – I think – the Stadium. A place where they had all in wrestling. Mott did a concert Hall there as well. I remember the Cavern – the gear broke down and in desperation I said, ‘You wanna hear a joke?’ and the place screamed back, ‘NO’ – only in Liverpool. That Hanger 34 was an experience – must have been 100 degrees (F). In my teens I used to come to the Liverpool Docks at 5 am to pick up fruit and veg. Kids used to climb on the back of the lorry. You didn’t know that didya!

Steve Molnar: re: jukeboxes. I always wanted one but never got round to it. Great lookin’ things. $200 – a steal!

Paola Mosca: ‘What was Mick Ronson’s most important gift?’ Music.

Stirkreen Tufbunstony is on about Tommy Morrongiello’s stolen Strat – I don’t know if he got it back. DiBrizzi talks to him – I’ll check it out.

By the way, a couple of Mouth’s ago – someone asked me who my favourite author was – I like Joseph Roth. I’d forgotten his name at the time.

Antonio Pellegrini: ‘Queen did backing vocals on a track on your album ‘All American Alien Boy’. Do you have any memories of that collaboration?’ I didn’t even know they were in the building! Trudi had met them coming back from London to New York that day and they asked where I was and came down to Electric Lady. I came out of the control room for a slash – and there they were (minus John). Fred was, ‘Right – what can we do?’ – and off we went. Lovely surprise.

Matt Nojonen: I’ll give this to Trudi, but I think she already does this dish or something near to it. The band love it!

David Drew: The Bartini Bar in Babylon, Long Island, NY survived!! Good on you, David!

Christopher McAniff: ‘Do you and Ian Anderson ever cross paths?’ Mott opened for them in the old days. I remember we played in Florida with them a few years ago. I asked him about the fishing situation and off he went!!

Jim Palana: What are you gonna do? I discussed this before.

Mike Costanzo enjoyed reading Campbell’s book – but now he’s out of questions!

Jeffrey: Happy Birthday, Ralpher!!!

Silver Needles Guy: ‘Would you consider a double CD?’ No comment at this time.

Oour Wullie: ‘Congrats on the recent chart success … great to see. For a certain number 1 have you considered re-releasing ‘Mad Shadows’?’ Ain’t up to me.

Nick Price: ‘When I was 15 I saw Mott/Bronco at Fairfield Hall, Croydon. Towards the end of the show the band went into a huddle on stage. When the confab finished you announced that the band had been planning to split, but the audience reaction that night persuaded you otherwise. This doesn’t appear in any books. Was it ‘I was ready to quit – but then we went to Croydon?’ Can’t remember – may have been!!

JC Finn: ‘When Mott played the reunion shows, were they all a semi-tone down?’ Yup.

Bob Boyle: I wasn’t a party goer.

Jeffrey: Re: Ringo. That’s nice, Jeffrey.

Piero Desirello: ‘When was the last time you saw Freddie Mercury:’ No idea; it’s a blur.

Oystein: ‘Who played piano on ‘The Outsider’ you or Roy Bitten?’ It was Roy Bitten.

Edward Shirley: ‘Next album should be called, ‘The Name Escapes Me’. Not bad.

Lars Andersson: ‘Ever thought of doing just you, piano and guitar?’ That’s no fun – I love camaraderie.

Kevin the mighty Quinn: Re: Jimmy Page. We’ve met a few times. I remember him from the Crusaders – we like to talk about the real old days – pre Zep/pre MTH. Came to the documentary premier and asked Mick Ralphs how we got ‘that’ sound. Lovely bloke – as the Great Ariel Bender would say.

Manuela Riccio: ‘Remember Bloom in Mezzago in 2017.’ I liked the gig and hated the hotel!

Maria Antonietta Falchi: ‘Which concerts do you have the clearest memories of?’ The bad ones!

Donald Mease: Sussed!!

Dru is with me on Lorraine Ellison’s version of ‘Stay with Me Baby’.

Keith Thomas: ‘Enjoyed the two books – did you enjoy looking back?’ Not particularly – thank God for Campbell.

Mark F. ‘Paul Simon – the latest to sell his music. Dylan, Stevie Nicks and others have as well. What are your thoughts on cashing in like this. How much do I need to start a ‘Go Fund Me’ for the rights?’ I’ve had offers, but I’m reluctant. I lost a few of them way back. It’s kind of personal – but it’s also tempting!!

Wayne Laverack: ‘Whose version of ‘Jupiter’ is on the intro music – it sends a tingle down my spine.’ Dunno – but it does the same to me. Pete Watts chose it.

Marcus Heesch: No idea, sorry.

Stephen Hammett: ‘In a recent interview with Roger Taylor – he was asked about being approached by other bands and said, ‘I had a wonderful offer from Mick Ronson and Ian Hunter – actually it was going to be called ‘Hunter, Ronson + Taylor’ – I think it would have been good.’ I guess this would be after the Mott break up and before Dennis Elliott. What are your recollections?’ I don’t remember this. Roget is a great drummer and lovely chap and we’ve done a bit of ‘hanging out’ over the years (what an aristocratic gentleman these days!!). Like I say, I’d forgotten this, but Trudi says something happened and Roger doesn’t lie so it’s more than likely, true. That would have been good!

Dru: ‘Reading about tour managers in the late 60’s and 70’s – it’s obvious Mott hit the jackpot with Stan Tippins.’ If only we’d have had a manager like Stan!

Alex H: No, I haven’t heard this, but I know Bill Nelson was a big fan of Motts. We never knew why!!

And on that note – Over ‘n’ Out

The Horse’s Mouth

P.S. If I’m changing channels on TV, or changing sites on the computer – do I really need messages popping up asking me if I am sure that I want to leave said channel or site?

P.P.S. ‘Ask Your Doctor’ ads are turned off immediately.

P.P.P.S. And while we’re at it – What is the deal about, ‘Why don’t you like this ad?’

This Horse is bucking mad!!!

Gotta get out more …

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