The Horse’s Mouth
June 30, 2023
OK! So, I think Jody Comer is the Mohammed Ali of acting (Killing Eve). We hadn’t been out in a while so Trudi got tickets for ‘Prima Facia’ in New York. Years ago, we saw Jerry Lee Lewis do 20 minutes at the London Palladium – 3 songs – that was it!!!. We’re in our seats at the Golden Theater (third row center!) and Jody comes out – does 10 minutes – and walks off!! Beats Jerry Lee by half!! NOT Jody’s fault – Canadian fires turned NYC into 1930’s London. It’s a one girl show and goes on for two hours. Last weekend we saw Bill Burr at the Prudential Center. Bill Burr – the king??? Bill Burr for President – he makes sense.
And so to work…….
Tina Earl: Gawd, I hope I don’t give offense ‘cos none’s intended… but I had a brain fart and I’m just wondering… was the Guess Who the Mott of Canada? Ever meet ’em?
IH: No idea.
Dru: If I remember correctly you saw The Ike & Tina Revue and have said it’s one of the best shows you’ve ever seen
IH: It was actually the best live show I’ve ever seen. Ike was on top form – broke a string on full volume – ripped it off at full volume – put another string on at full volume – and Tina’s tryin’ to sing this beautiful ballad. Great band, great girls dancing and harmonizing – brilliant Tina – it had the lot.
John: What was the first instrument you learned how to play?
IH: Acoustic guitar (Bow & arrow) from Dad’s brother, Jack.
Keith Nickless: Happy Birthday, I hope you and Trudi have a wonderful day together. What do you think of the Def Leppard Album Drastic Symphonies? Do you think Joe and the boys had been listening to Strings Attached when they got the idea.
IH: Joe was there! Great guys. Leps seranaded me for my birthday – in perfet harmony!
Erik Huth: Defiance Part 1 fantastic. Great songwriting / performing to make me feel so much about a painting I’ve never seen about an event I hadn’t heard of.
Question – at the end of Alice you say “you didn’t make the book”. I believe that referred to not including some celebrity’s antics during the 1972 tour. Are we ever going to hear who did what?
IH: Cheers, Erik. Haven’t heard ‘Alice’ for ages, so I don’t know the answer to that one.
Mike Costanzo: Rock musicians rarely seem to retire nowadays. Aside from ‘stepping back’ from touring due to health reasons, have you ever considered officially retiring from everything ( albums, etc. included) ? I happen to like that you’re still going along because it proves that creativity knows no limits. ( I think the only rocker who truly walked away from it all was Overend, bless him.)
P.S. I recall you mentioned have a good chat with John Lydon on a plane once. I liked the Pistols and his personality back then, but John has also grown old gracefully while still having fun, and there’s a lesson there. Put a pair of glasses on him and he looks like he could be Kevin Spacey’s brother!
P.P. S. – Happy upcoming b’day!
IH: Yeah – well – Pete was a business man! He looked at the figures and decided it wasn’t worth the trouble.
Donald Mease:
gave the new record a few listens
real freaking good
tongue in cheek:
when they sign you to STAX we can party at my place for weeks if you want
all my best,
rocky racoon
IH: You got it.
Francis L: Sir Ian,
It’s been years since the Florida gig in 1980 . You were with Todd and Utopia in support of ‘ Anderson for President’.
Still think once in a while about how great your A’ cappella version of the Beatles’ “8 Days a Week” was.
Thank you!
Keep on keepin’ on !! I cannot believe that I’m not gettin’ too old for this … Come to Aspen, MC did with the Knobs.
Ho-ho Happy Birthday !!
PS – Love Johnny Depp through the looking glass.
PSS – Listen to
Rest in Peace Tina Turner …
IH: I really enjoyed doing ‘Eight Days a Week’ with Todd. He was the beauty – I was the beast. Check him out on ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ – brilliant!! Amen, Tina.
Dave Grant: Hi, Ian (and Trudi, of course)
No question this time, sir. I just wanted to wish you Many Happy Returns for your birthday next week. I also wish to convey my appreciation for ‘Defiance Part 1’. I’ve played the album at least twice a day since its release, and it truly is another sterling addition to your tremendous catalogue. The songs are superb (as usual), the lyrics are clever and insightful, the production is nice and punchy, and the individual performances are absolutely top-notch. My favourite songs are the alternative version of “I Hate Hate” (it swings beautifully), “Angel” (a gorgeous love song), and “Guernica” (an absolute masterpiece that is very moving indeed). Wonderful stuff from first note to last. Long may your creativity flourish.
Stay safe and healthy
IH: Cheers, Dave
Oooour Wullie: Still loving the new album, just about worn it out already.
Back on the Eurovision….I was disappointed Glasgow didn’t make the final cut and even more gutted we didn’t get no wheels to ride registered in time. But this is the time to start planning for next year.
I’ve decided the UK are crap and never going to get any points so I think we should nominate you to represent Norway.
You are big there already and they must be due a win……or we could nominate Geurnica as the Spanish entry.
What do you think?
IH: I’m all for that, Wullie!
Wally: Just stumbled across Ian Hunter Isolated Tracks “Mott the Hoople –All the Young Dudes –isolated drums bass and vocals” on YouTube.
Your voice hasn’t changed!
IH: Some would argue that point. Some people don’t seem to realise that some songs don’t need to be screamed at the top of their lungs to be ‘good’. Sometimes, ‘inside’ the song is beteter than ‘on top of the song’. I can still get up there if I have to – you go with the mood of the song.
John Frawley: Happy 84th birthday Ian! And thank you again for your massive contribution to the soundtrack of our lives!! The new album (Part 1) is fantastic!
IH:Thanks, John
Deke Leonard. – Met him with MTH
Nils Lofgren – Met him way back when
Bill Nelson – the same
Jeff Tweedy – Met Jeff a few times over the years – he’s one gifted gentleman
The Vapours (David Fenton) – Nah
Leo Sayer – Nah
Ooour Wullie: Happy birthday……have a great of as befitting of a legend
Lang may yer lum reek
IH: Ta.
Liz K:
June is Busting out all over… and my favorite
Musician has a birthday…
Happy 84th Birthday dear Ian… and keep right on Defying!
Absolutely loving the new album. It has not come off my turntable or my out of my CD deck since it arrived. I just can’t enough of it.
Hope you and Trudi are having a lovely spring and looking forward to an equally lovely summer… hopefully it won’t be too hot.
I also really love all the promotion that the album is getting, it’s very well deserved.
Hugs to both of you, you are the best.
IH: Cheers, Liz. Yeah, doing it properly does make a change!
Stephen Kettell: Many happy returns – Brilliant album, not a poor track on it – the Sun logo revolving on my turntable is mesmerizing. Maybe see you in the UK for some sort of tour – know it’s a big ask but I can only wish. Have a great day.
IH: We’ll see, Stephen – got to finish part 2.
Tom: Happiest of birthdays to you, Ian! Love the new LP. Keep rocking like a MF and so will I. Looking forward to Part 2.
IH: Sure will.
Phil Taylor: Have a Very Happy Birthday! Keep on rocking!
IH: Thank you, Sir.
John Channing: Just want to wish you a very happy birthday, your music has helped me through the good times and the bad times and everything in between , Defiance Part 1 is an absolute masterpiece, been on repeat since release day, have a good one Ian 🙂
IH: Appreciated, John.
Donald Mease: Deepite the fine effort of Defiance Part 1, packaged with an image of you perched defiantly on you arse, I implore you to consider inviting Michael to shred on a rendition of Memphis and perhaps dudes to close out part two, if it isn’t already in the can.
All my best,
Tommy Saxondale.
IH:We’re overloaded as it is.
George Martin: Ian, I just wanted to say happy birthday to us! Me, I’m 6/3/59 so you got me by a few. I hope this last year was a good one for you and your doing well. I love the new album but then again I knew I would. I have been a hugh fan from the beginning and you never disappoint. May we both have many more good years ahead. Looking forward to saying happy birthday to us again next year. God bless ya!
IH:Same to you, Sir.
Rob D: Well, no question today…..
In my 71 years of existence, I have spent about 50 of them listening to your musings, remembrances, reflections, etc. about the life of a rock n roller.
You lived it, you put it into lyrics, you gave it a wonderful beat.
I can’t thank you enough .
Happy 84th !!!!!!!!
IH: Cheers, Rob.
Phil Grant: I honestly can’t seem to bring myself to take Defiance part 1 out of the CD player. And I’m quite happy at that. Amazing album. One of your best ever. And Happy Birthday, Ian! It is wonderful to get new music from you as I just had my 70th birthday a little over a month ago. And I definitely considered this CD a birthday present to myself. I hope you feel up to one more tour cuz I sure would love to see you in Atlanta again or at least somewhere close enough that this old man can drive to. Anyhow, thanks for everything. You’re still here and I’m still here.
IH: Nice one!
Robert Lazenby: Happy birthday Ian and I’m loving the album, Motts first album cover was a coloured version of M.C.Eschers Lizzards and from what I have read was done without Eschers permission, If so was there any comeback from Escher?.
Thanks Robert
IH: He never said anything – so we did it again on my first solo album.
Shinobu Kokubun:
Dear Ian,
Happy Birthday!
Best wishes for a happy day filled with love and smiles.
IH: Thanks, Shinobu!
Amanda: Happy Birthday, hope you enjoy a good day!
IH: I did!
Thomas Brecht: Not only today but every day I wish you happiness, health, and fun in life.
Happy birthday sir!
IH: Cheers, my man.
Shug Laverty: Happy Birthday Guv’nor, hope it’s a good ‘un. Great to see your defiance shining through after all these years – defiance of age, illness and adversity and still producing brilliant music to entertain countless numbers of folk all over the world.
Hope you have a great day with all your family and friends and hope there are many more to come. Maybe one day you’ll make it back over to Equi’s at Peacock Cross for a proper celebration !
All the very best mate,
IH: I’ve dragged more bands to Equi’s than any other rocker. First visited Equi’s at the tender age of 3.
Irina: Happy Birthday! The new album is great, rock on!
IH: Thanks, Irina – appreciated.
Hal Burte: Happy Birthday Ian!!!
IH: Thanks, Hal.
Mark Hughes: Like the legion of fans who are celebrating your birthday today Happiest of Birthdays. Hope today is memorable and the year ahead full of good health and cheer and much success for “Defiance pt. 1”! It’s a great album and will stand the test of time like so many others of yours!
I just heard for the first time ( I think) “Good Man in a Bad Place”. Any memories of that one?
Cheers again !
Mark Hughes (not to confused with the late Herbalife guy or the Welsh football legend)
IH: Cheers, Mark. Boy, this HM is an easy one!! ‘Good Man in a Bad Time’ – it was for a movie. Did it in New York way back.
Fred & Bitten Pettersson: Happy Birthday Ian, our Rock ‘n’ Roll hero!
It’s an honor for me & Bitten to be a part of the
“I Hate Hate” video with our photo! We play this
great album almost every day, we’re also
looking forward to Defiance Part 2.
Hope you will have a wonderful Birthday!
Cheers and many hugs to you and Trudi!
Fred & Bitten Pettersson
IH: Still got the hats? Thanks and love – Ian and Trudi xx
Fred: One of my favorite Mott songs is “Drivin’ Sister”. It was incredible live with Ariel Bender on Don Kirschner’s Rock Concert. Was there any consideration of “Drivin’ Sister” being released as a single?
IH: A lot of people liked that song – I thought it was a bit obvious; opinions, again! I don’t think it was ever considered a single.
Bob McCarthy: Happy Birthday, Mr. Patterson! And please enjoy the weekend, despite the soggy weather. I live in Boston, and hope that you will eventually be able to hit the road again, at some point. My nephew and I saw the MTH ’74 show at the Orpheum Theater, a few years ago, and Steve Wynn from The Dream Syndicate looked like a kid with an ice cream cone, while singing during the encore. I was wondering if you ever met Sandy Denny, or crossed paths with Richard Thompson, or any of the other Fairport Convention musicians over the years. And if you had any memories of Tina Turner, as well, I would be grateful. Thank you for all of your music throughout your career, and as Alvin Lee used to say, ‘Keep On Rocking!’
IH: The only think I remember was telling Tina Turner she was going to be huge. She said, ‘I’m big already’. I said, “I know, but you’re gonna be HUGE!!”
Ray Mackie: Happy Birthday Ian
Wishing you all the best
IH: Cheers, mate
Hi Ian:
I’ve been enjoying the Easy Star Allstars version of Ziggy Stardust including their version of All The Young Dudes. Have you heard it and if so what do you think/
All the best,
IH: Not heard it.
Hunter Tremayne: Happy Birthday, squire!
In honour of your birthday, I have written you an original lyric. There’s just one verse
Well, I was born in the North
Then I moved to the South
These facts are true
It’s the Horse’s Mouth
All the very best!
IH: Ta, but some things are better left to me.
Steve Horne: Hi Ian
Belated Happy birthday.
Regarding your tinnitus situation could you do an acoustic tour as you have previously? Presumably, it might be a bit easier on the ears. Wishing you all the best.
IH: That’s what I’m thinking – but I don’t want it to be too serious.
Mike Flanagan: Happy birthday first. Is there an instrument you play that we would find surprising? Theremin, dulcimer?
IH: Ever tried shuffling emery boards on the heels of your feet – great for rap.
Brad Davis: Who does the cooking in the Hunter household and what is your favorite dish?
IH: Never cooked a meal in my life – Trudi’s the cook.
Steve: Happy birthday Ian!
Love the new album!
I very much look forward to whatever comes next whenever that may be.
With love from Detroit, Michigan, a town and state that loves you and your work!
IH: Ta. The feeling is mutual.
Mary Drews: Last HM someone asked if “When the World Was Round” was on the set list(s) for the Shrunken Heads tour. It was. That was the tour when a bunch of us followed you from Glasgow down to Brighton. Jesse Malin opened. That was one of the best years ever! I still don’t know how you did it. I was shattered by the end of the tour!
PS Defiance part 1 is stellar! Thank you for keeping on keeping on! Happy belated b’day!
XO Mary
IH:Thank you, Mary. Really sad to hear the Jesse Malin news. A lot of people are recording for him (including me and the Rant Band). Go to his site for more details.
Tim McKenna: Did you save any of your classic Mott the Hoople 70’s stage outfits and shoes? You’re still a thin guy so they would probably still fit!
IH: Yes, we’ve got stuff (no shoes). Dunno – I’m not into keeping things, but Trudi is and has some. I’m still thin, but not ‘70s thin.
Bob Kleb: Happy birthday Ian! Been a loyal dedicated fan since the early beginning, I’ve had the utmost pleasure of meeting you several times few yrs ago Stone Poney ( outside in the cold) Finnegans Wake Philadelphia your genourosity was great signed alot of or actually my collection over those yrs and you were amazed of me having the original Diary of a rock and roll star. I pre-ordered the latest release and to say it’s phenomenal is a short fall, Ian your writing and it’s tentacles wrapping within the music is absolutely mind blowing and honestly the talented musicians made it over the top.ian I have an interview and you were asked of Bob Dylan and you referred to he was “street lengths ” ahead of you being also a Dylan fan I must say your longevity of writing recently I have to say Mr. Patterson you have ” street lenghted” Mr. Zimmerman. Congrats on your achievements ur a legend “Hall of Fame ” is on your doorstep.
IH: That would be the finest compliment of all – if only it were true!!!
Jason Slack: Hi Ian,
It’s the founder of the ‘Ian Hunter Appreciation Society’ on facebook here. The group is now 16 years old and getting very close (or maybe passed by the time you read this) to having 10,000+ members now. Thankfully not too much trouble to referee on there, it’s a pleasure to run, proving perhaps that your fans are on the whole – simply the best! Have you anything I can add to the group “welcome” message for all new and existing members to see on arriving there?
Just to also add to the many voices saying what a brilliant album Defiance Part 1 is, look forward to Part 2 in all now 🙂 Many thanks Jason
IH: Jason! How do you do! You’re doing a great job over there. People constantly coming up with stuff I either don’t know – or have forgotten. They’re a great bunch and thank you so much for what you do. I keep out of the way because it’s yours and theirs, but I do have a look now and again. No trolls – great stuff!!
Scott: Just received Nightout by Ellen Foley. Could only find it in The Netherlands. Never realized it had you and Mick all over it!!! No wonder it is so good. You two added so much to rock and roll and never received the credit, although that seems to be changing. Better late than never but I wish Mick could have realized his impact. Hope to see you on tour again but understand if not. Cheers!
IH: Nice one, Scott – thanks from us.
Just to Say Happy birthday from Catanzaro, Italy. New record on heavy rotation both on my turntable, CD player and car. Can’t wait for part 2, can’t wait for a tour. Will you use again the Rant band as support? Any hope for european dates? Uk, at last?? See you everywhere
IH: One thing at a time, mate. Let’s get part 2 done.
John Romano:
HAPPY (BELATED) BIRTHDAY, IAN! Love the new album. 84 is the new 64-keep rocking!
IH: Well, maybe 74.
Dru: The Horse’s Mouth is much more informative than the press interviews you’ve been doing and the questions are light years better
IH: Well, the press guys are doing everybody, every week, so you obviously get the surface stuff for people who
Rick Graves: Hi Ian! My friend Brian is a huge John Mellencamp fan and is in pretty tight with his organization so he knows most of his band. Brian was in Nashville for John’s residency at the Ryman Auditorium and ran into Andy York. He was talking to Andy about Defiance Pt. 1 and how great it is. Andy told Brian that his participation was a, “labor of love,” and that he needed to finish the tour to work on Pt. 2. Pt. 1 is fantastic so I can’t wait for you guys to get together for Pt. 2. Take care, Rick
IH: Yeah Andy’s been terrific, (as has James Frazee). We met in NYC probably around 2000, and he’s co-produced everything since RANT. He’s kinda like Ronno – very picky in the studio – where as I’m not so much. Known for his guitar playing (very tasty) – but listen to his bass playin’ on Defiance 1. Also, he has great knowledge when it comes to drums; and that’s him singin’ the harmony on ‘Bed of Roses’. Andy comes fully loaded. Thinker – not a talker (until pissed).
John: Do you like listening to music while you’re sitting around at home? What kind of sound system do you have?
Do you like listening to music on headphones? A lot of your songs are a different listening experience speakers vs. headphones.
IH:I don’t listen to music much. We’ve got a turntable and records, but I usually wind up playing stuff on the computer. Headphones – in the long run – may not be a good idea – especially if loud. You could wind up with ear problems (a-la me). I don’t listen much to my own stuff. I’m mainly on the lookout for something new.
Mrs Christine Fox: Is there a Defiance Part 2 cd available?
If not, when will it be?
Thank you
IH: Next year.
Alan P: Listening to the new album now and love it. I wanted to know if you’ve ever met Elvis Costello? I see a lot of similarities between your writing styles. You’d make a killer combination. Still room on D2?
IH: Never met him.
Jim wysocki: Ian love bed of roses in my opinion is one one of your greatest songs ever. I’m ordering defiance this weekend to help on those Connecticut taxes. Undecided which is better lyric 54 disco store or it’s a bank now anyway. It is quite remarkable the whole thing with the musicians you got and the album is quite possibly the only positive thing to come out of covid. Oh question what grandma had the musical talent your English side or the Scottish side you never said in interview. I’ve read in interviews about your dad how ser
IH: Scottish side.
Who is currently in your band?
IH: Nobody, unfortunately – although I still see the Ranters occasionally.
Greg Cecker: I really like the sound of the new album on the vinyl version! Did someone master it for that format especially or is it the same mastering as the CD?
IH: It was mastered for both – what they did with it at the plant is another story.
Steven Barth:
Ian: Your music has been aa intimate part of my life since High School, nearly 50 years, and I’ve never been disappointed by any of your albums in all those years. Defiance is no exception. Another Masterpiece. You referred to Mick Ronson as Michael Picasso in your tribute to him But you are a true Michael Picasso when it comes to music and lyrics. Your impact in the world of Rock n Roll is so huge and it hurts me as a fan each year when your name is not nominated for induction into the Rock Hall of fame.
My Question: At this point of your life, regardless of the politics involved, and the blindness of those who choose nomination an induction, are you as satisfied with your place in Rock n Roll history, and your accomplishments in your field as we, your loyal fan base are? You are immortal to us either way.
IH: Kinda like politics, eh? Everybody’s got an opinion! Reading this is more than enough for me!!
Tim Livingston: Was Mick Ronson a good of a chef as he was a guitarist?
IH: When he was living in Woodstock, there was a time when he seriously considered becoming a chef – he was good at it too. (Not as good as he was on guitar though – few are.)
James Tripp Pair: Saw a post from Creem Magazine and Stars Cars. Hows Lynn to work with as a photogapher and did you say all that rhetoric about that car or was it someone elses words ? Happy Fathers Day to you.Hoping you had the youngins there with you on this day! My best to you!
IH: That was my car at the time. Lynn’s great to work with. Yeah, the kids are alright – and the kid’s kids are too.
Jack: As a somewhat famous person (haha) are you reclusive?
Do you occasionally go to the local town/ restaurants/beach/bars/stores– do people recognize you? Do the locals know who you are?
IH: Dunno, I kinda like hangin’ with musicians, so I guess that makes me a recluse, locally. We are tight with a few people, but that’s about it. Trudi’s got her mates, but it’s mainly phone stuff these days. I don’t know if people recoginze me. They’re polite round here!
Jonathan Pearman:
Hi Ian,
Just wanted to say big thanks for pointing me to Proper Records website where I could finally get myself the box set. Turns out they had a few copies left! Feel very privileged.
You’ve had some brilliant covers over the years and was wondering if you commissioned the covers for Overnight Angels (David oxtoby) and All American Alien Boy (Philip Hays) your self? Hope they are in a museum somewhere:-)
Thanks again,
IH: I didn’t know David Oxtoby, but I knew Phil Hays.
do you get many ideas from history? i.e. Guernica,Crazy Horse,Bed of Roses.
I think the new album is excellent, Any chance of coming to Wales when you’re well enough.
IH: You never know!
Andreas borchmann: Hi Ian, the new CD is super !! Is still planned the fantastic Acustic Trio Show 2013 with Andy York and Dave Roe of CD a DVD to publish?
IH: We’ve got it. We’ll peobably put it out at some point. Thanks for asking.
Brian Cottrill: Guernica is an absolute masterpiece! Amazing!! Can you please fill in the blanks for the few lyrics I can figure out?
I just wanted to tell you I love you
I just wanted to tell you again
I saw you today on __________
I just want you to know that I’m there
Got a whole other world standing next to me
Little angels directing my hands
They won’t let me choose from the colors I use
They want violence and black like Cezanne
The rage inside is hard to hide
I _______________
When I painted Guernica
These are dangerous times for thinkin’
I’m a stranger in a strange land
If you think for yourself, you’re a traitor
It’s like walking on quicksand
So I work in the shadows of uncertainty
Waiting for that knock at the door
When a Gauleiter says, “Is this your idea?”
I say “No, I thought it was yours”
Just to throw them off track, I went all the way back
The ________________
When I painted Guernica
When I painted Guernica
When I painted Guernica
Fly away, fly away from the starting tracks
That’s green and white in the meadows
Fly away, fly away from your worst nightmare
As you disappear in the shadows
Fly away, fly away from your broken bones
Fly away, fly away from evil
This picture screams out fragile dreams
Fly away, fly away to freedom
This picture is a chamber of horrors This picture’s a crucifixion It’ll hang on the walls of eternity halls It will never be forgotten
When my hands veil the truth behind images This picture is trying to explain If this anger smashes into your consciousness Then this picture will not be in vain And the camera smells arrested shells, I created a monster When I painted Guernica When I painted Guernica When I painted Guernica Alright
IH: Guernica:
I just wanted to tell you I love you.
I just wanted to tell you I care
I saw you today on Humante
I just want you to know that I’m there
Gotta whole other world standin’ next to me
Little angels directing my hands
They won’t let me choose from the colors I use
They want violet ‘n’ black like Cezanne
The rage inside is hard to hide – a rabid orchestra
When I painted Guernica
These are dangerous time for a thinker
I’m a stranger in a strange land
If you think for yourself – you’re a traitor
It’s like walkin’ on quicksand
So I work in the shadows of uncertainty
Waitin’ for that knock on the door
A Gauleiter says, “Is this your idea?”
I said, “No, I thought it was yours”
Just to throw ‘em off track – I went all the way back
To Minotauromachy
Then I painted Guernia
Fly away – fly away – from distorted times
That scream and whine in the meadows
Fly away – fly away – from your worst nightmare
As you disappear into the shadows
Fly away – fly away – from your broken bones
Fly away – fly away – from evil
This picture screams of fractured dreams
Fly away – fly away to freedom
This picture is a chamber of horrors
This picture is a crucifixion
It will hang on the walls of eternity halls
It will never be forgiven
N’ my hands veil the truth behind images
This picture is tryin’ to explain
If its anger smashes into your consciousness
Then this picture will not be in vain
The canvas smells of rusted shells –
I created a monster
When I painted Guernica
tim hyde: Of all the radio stations in the USA which are the top 3 that gave you most support and helped your career?
Favorite record store in USA over the years or book store? Powell’s?
IH: 1) WMMS (Cleveland); WMMR (Philly); KMET & KROQ (LA). 2) Tower Records; Peaches; Sam Goody (had a window in there – a big deal).
Dave: Did you have any “anxiety” over what the guest musicians would deliver to you? That is, were you ever concerned that what they sent you wasn’t really what you were looking for? These guys are all incredibly famous and successful. To the extent that success can breed arrogance, did you think that if you went back to these guys and asked for something different they would get their noses out of joint, etc? I read something about you actually doing this with Taylor Hawkins (maybe on Kiss n Make Up ???) and he was very cool with it. This obviously wasn’t an issue with him, but I am wondering that given the star power of everyone you enlisted, whether this might have been a potential issue with others???
IH: I said something to Taylor about there being too much tin (regarding ‘Hope’) and he immediately said, “it’s too much – I’ll do it again -now!” That’s been it so far. Everybody has exceeded our expectations.
Mick: Hi Ian, What is the situation with yourself and The Rant Band? Are there anymore plans to record/tour with the boys?
IH: No plans at the moment.
Marty G.
As a lifelong fan of Mott The Hoople, (for 52 of my 70 years!!!) I have always wondered about the personnel changes that the band went through, and how each one effected the band, not only musically, but personally.
Verden left MtH right after the band began to achieve some commercial success, and wonder if there was a relationship between that success, the Bowie affiliation, and his decision to leave?
Was Verden’s the departure discussed prior to happening within the band, or were the rest of the band members blindsided by his choice to leave?
I know that Mick’s departure put a tremendous burden on you, personally. Were there any efforts to get him to change his mind once he let his plans be known?
And also, was Overend, to your knowledge, offered a gig playing bass with Bad Company?
thank you for taking the time to read this.
Marty G.
upstate NY
ps– Defiance is tremendous. Can’t wait for Part II.
IH: Phally was unhappy because he wanted to do more songs and more vocals, and he was fed up with me getting all the attention. He threatened to leave on several occsaions, but Mick always talked him out of it. I loved Phally’s playing and his sense of humour was great, but stuff happens in bands. Pete was offered the job in Band Company, but he waas a Motter through and through.
Brian Wright: My mum died a couple of weeks ago. And as always…..Ian has a song to help me through. “All is Forgiven” been played more than a few times. Thank you.
IH:Sorry about that, Brian. Best to you and yours.
And that is it…..for now…..
The Horse’s Mouth